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      We need to fork the CI workflow that exists for x86 and target the workflow for a non-x86 backend.

      Here's a primer on CI:
      1. The configurations for jobs live in github.com/openshift/release, specifically in the ci-operator/config directory.

      This is used to auto-generate ci-operator/jobs (which is a lot of boilerplate, but what prow actually interfaces with).

      The existing jobs we can compare against for assisted installer (at least for the 4.15 fork, are here).

      2. OK so now that we've seen the job configuration, we should take special note of this example line from the job.

      This tells us that the workflow for the job uses `agent-e2e-compact-ipv4`. A workflow is a collection of step-registry steps. You can learn more about those here: https://docs.ci.openshift.org/docs/

      3. So now we know what the workflow is called - so what do we do from here?
      The key thing to understand is that `agent-e2e-compact-ipv4` is as much an address as it is a name. To find the corresponding workflow definition, we need to look in ci-operator/step-registry – specifically following along treating the `-`s as though they were `/` signifying subfolders.
      So the final URL would be: https://github.com/openshift/release/blob/master/ci-operator/step-registry/agent/e2e/compact/ipv4/agent-e2e-compact-ipv4-workflow.yaml

      This file in turn is broken down into references to "steps" and "chains". Chains are connections of steps. Steps are usually a yaml configuration with inputs passed to a shell file.
      This workflow has a "pre" chain, a "test" chain, and a "post" chain, which will be invoked in that order.

      Let's check out the "pre" chain, since it will cover deployment.
      The pre chain is just "agent-pre", so we follow the rules of searching in ci-operator/step-registry as before:

      It sends us to yet another chain for baremetalds-ipi-pre:

      Finally, this chain actually references steps. I'm going to look specifically at the ref for baremetalds-devscripts-setup:

      Notice it finally references a shell file: https://github.com/openshift/release/blob/master/ci-operator/step-registry/baremetalds/devscripts/setup/baremetalds-devscripts-setup-ref.yaml#L5

      It also has an architecture input, which will be passed to that shell file. Let's look at the logic used:

      So if you explore more of the steps and refs, you'd see that this workflow uses the packet baremetal IPI worflow as a base.
      In our case we probably want to explore the workflow/steps using this https://github.com/openshift/release/blob/master/ci-operator/step-registry/assisted/agent/assisted-agent-workflow.yaml. From there, we can explore what parts we would need to replace in order to test using P/Z resources.

            rh-ee-apodvrat Amadeus Podvratnik
            fleber@redhat.com Florian Leber
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