Resolution: Done-Errata
Description of problem:
A plan is created with the transfer network:
# oc get plan -n openshift-mtv -o yaml |grep -i -A 1 transferNetwork transferNetwork: name: macvlan-net
The virt-v2v pod is not using this network and is using the default pod network:
oc get pod myplan-vm-43263-htxnx -o json |jq '.metadata.annotations' { "k8s.ovn.org/pod-networks": "{\"default\":{\"ip_addresses\":[\"\"],\"mac_address\":\"0a:58:0a:83:01:1e\",\"gateway_ips\":[\"\"],\"routes\":[{\"dest\":\"\",\"nextHop\":\"\"},{\"dest\":\"\",\"nextHop\":\"\"},{\"dest\":\"\",\"nextHop\":\"\"}],\"ip_address\":\"\",\"gateway_ip\":\"\"}}", "k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/network-status": "[{\n \"name\": \"ovn-kubernetes\",\n \"interface\": \"eth0\",\n \"ips\": [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"mac\": \"0a:58:0a:83:01:1e\",\n \"default\": true,\n \"dns\": {}\n}]", "openshift.io/scc": "forklift-controller-scc", "seccomp.security.alpha.kubernetes.io/pod": "runtime/default" }
So the transfer happens over the pod network and not through the transfer network.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Migration Toolkit for Virtualization Operator 2.5.2
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. While creating the plan, select another network for migration.
2. Check the conversion pod definition. The transfer network is not being used by the conversion pod.
- is cloned by
MTV-846 Transfer network is not used by the conversion pod
- Closed
- links to
RHBA-2024:126311 MTV 2.6.0 Images