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  1. Migration Toolkit for Virtualization
  2. MTV-615

Replace Forms and Wizards with Openshift console "Create/Edit" pages for plans & mappings


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done-Errata
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.6.0
    • None
    • None

      Currently we are using Wizards and Forms using `@migtools/lib-ui`, the migtool library was built for stand alone appiication and does not play nice when running inside the plugin, main issues are:
      a different look and feel, migtools prefers forms and wizards as "modals" while console prefer tabs and "flat" pages
      b. migtools implements it's own version of authenticating and fetching data using K8s REST API, when inside the console we should use the console SDK for that.

              yzamir@redhat.com Yaacov Zamir
              yzamir@redhat.com Yaacov Zamir
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