Resolution: Unresolved
Description of problem:
Change disk sharing status on vCenter from Multi-Write to nosharing, migration plan don't detect the change
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
2.7.11-7(IIB 933863) with CNV 4.16.7
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Prepare VMs
VM Cfg 1: Mtv-function-shared-test2: rhel9 Root: scsi, sda1 16G test2.vmdk - shared Data 1: scsi, sdb1 4G test2_1.vmdk - shared Data 2: scsi, sdc1 2G test2_2.vmdk VM Cfg 3: Mtv-function-shared-test: rhel9 Root: scsi, sda1 16G mtv-function-shared-test.vmdk - shared Data 1: scsi, sdb1 4G test2_1.vmdk - use VM Cfg 1 mtv-function-shared-test2 shared Data1 Data 2: scsi, sdc1 2G test_1.vmkd
2) Created cold migration to migrate VM Cfg 1 to target cluster with migrateSharedDisks: true successfully
3) Try to migrate cold migrate VM Cfg 3, with migrateSharedDisks: false, hit "Warn: MIssing shared disks PVC [datastore2] mtv-function-shared-test/mtv-function-shared-test.vmdk in namespace 'mtv-test', the VMs can be migrated but the disk will not be attached."
4) Change the VM Cfg 3 Root: scsi, sda1 16G mtv-function-shared-test.vmdk - MultiWrite to no sharing on vCenter 7
5) Refresh the plan: mtv-cold-multi-false, it's always with the warn message.
6) Clone the plan, the new plan status is Ready and without the Warning.
Actual results:
In step4-5, After changing the VM disk from MultiWrite to no sharing, the plan status is not changed
Expected results:
In step4-5, After changing the VM disk from MultiWrite to no sharing, the plan can detect the change, and change the plan status to Ready
Additional info: