Resolution: Unresolved
Description of problem:
When the plan with shared disks which are already existed on target cluster, before changing the migrateSharedDisks: true to false, hit warning message: E.g "Already existing shared disks PVCs [datasotre2] mtv-func-win2022-st1_1.vmdk" in namespace 'mtv-test', the VMs can be migrated but the disk will be duplicated" When there are multiple VMs in the plan, the warning message for existing shared disks PVCs are not correct
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
2.7.11-7 with CNV 4.16.7
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Prepare VMs
VM Cfg 1: Mtv-function-shared-test2: rhel9.5 Root: scsi, sda1 16G test2.vmdk - shared Data 1: scsi, sdb1 4G test2_1.vmdk - shared Data 2: scsi, sdc1 2G test2_2.vmdk VM Cfg 2: Mtv-function-shared-test: rhel9.5 Root: scsi, sda1 16G test.vmdk - nosharing Data 1: scsi, sdb1 4G test2_1.vmdk - use VM Cfg 1 mtv-function-shared-test2 shared Data 1 Data 2: scsi, sdc1 2G test_1.vmkd VM Cfg 7: Mtv-func-win2022-st1 Root: sata, C: 16G st1.vmkd (multi-writer shared,but not used by other VMs) Data 1: sata, E: 2G st1_1.vmdk (shared) Data 2: stata, F: 3G st1_2.vmdk (no sharing) VM Cfg 8: Mtv-func-win2022-st2 Root: sata, C: 16G st2.vmkd (multi-writer shared,but not used by other VMs) Data 1: sata, E: 2G st2_1.vmdk (no sharing) Data 2: stata, F: 3G st2_2.vmdk (shared) VM Cfg 9: Mtv-func-win2022-st5 Root: sata, C: 16G st5.vmkd (no sharing) Data 1: sata, E: 2G st1_1.vmdk (shared - use VM Cfg 7 st1 shared data1) Data 2: stata, F: 3G st5_2.vmdk (no sharing) VM Cfg 10: Mtv-func-win2022-st6 Root: sata, C: 16G st6.vmkd (no sharing) Data 1: sata, E: 2G st6_1.vmdk (no sharing) Data 2: stata, F: 3G st2_2.vmdk (shared - use VM Cfg 8 st2 shared data2)
2) Create cold migration plan to migrate VM Cfg 1, 7,8 with migrateSharedDisks: true successfully
3) Create cold migration plan to migrate VM VM Cfg 2,9,10, before change the migrateSharedDisks: true to false, hit warning below, the warning message is not correct, as mtv-func-win2022-st6 is using mtv-func-win2022-st2 data disk2, and mtv-function-shared-test is using mtv-function-shared-test2 data disk1
Actual results:
In step3: The warning message of the PVCs are not correct
Expected results:
In step3: The warning message of PVCs are correct
Additional info: