Resolution: Unresolved
Description of problem:
Cold migrate VM1 with shared disk and 2 mounted disks (1 shared, the other not shared) with migrateSharedDisks:true successfully, cold migrate VM2 with 1 shared disk of VM1 and 2 mounted disks, set migrateSharedDisks:false, after migration the VM2 enter emergency mode due to the sda1/sdb1 changed to vda1/vdb1, but the items in /etc/fstab are not changed.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
MTV 2.7.11
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Prepare a VM: mtv-function-shared-sata with 3 disks, shutoff the VM
sdc1 16G sata.vmdk (root disk) sda1 2G sata_1.vmdk (shared) - mounted (data) sdb1 3G sata_2.vmkd - mounted
2) Create cold migration plan: mtv-cold-sata-mount with migrateSharedDisks: true,
the plan executed successfully, check in VM: 2 disks are mounted, the content in disks are correct
sda1 -> vda1: mounted (content: dev-sda1-2G-shared-vm-sata) sdb1 -> vdb1: mounted (content: dev-sdb1-3G-vm-sata) sdc1 -> vdc1
3) Prepare a VM: mtv-function-shared-ide with 3 disks, it's sda1 use the shared disk in VM: mtv-function-shared-sata, sda1 and sdb1 are mounted in /etc/fstab
sdc1 16G ide.vmdk sda1 2G sata_1.vmdk (shared disk) mounted sdb1 3G ide_1.vmkd mounted
4) Create cold migration plan: mtv-cold-ide-shared-false with migrateSharedDisks: false,
the plan executed successfully
5) Check the volume/pvc of VM are correct
vol-0: vm-38-t85qs 2.3G -- shared disk vol-1: vm-37-bwkg6 3.5G vol-2: vm-37-87gkg 18G
6) Check the VM enter emergency mode due to the mounted disks in /etc/fstab, 2 disks are not mounted
7) Changed the /etc/fstab to use vda1,vdb1, reboot VM, VM boot successfully, disks are mounted, content in disks are correct
/dev/sda1 -> /dev/vda1 /dev/sdb1 -> /dev/vdb1
Actual results:
In step6: The VM enter emergency mode due to the sda1/sdb1 changed to vda1/vdb1, but the items in /etc/fstab are not changed
Expected results:
In step6: VM boot successfully, vda1/vdb1 are mounted in OS
Additional info:
- is related to
MTV-2145 Add the shared disk to guest conversion
- New