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  1. Migration Toolkit for Virtualization
  2. MTV-1900

The device names of root option used to migrate second OS of dual-boot OS guest are incorrect on MTV


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • 2.8.0
    • None
    • Guest
    • False
    • None
    • True

      Description of problem:
      The device names of root option used to migrate second OS of dual-boot OS guest are incorrect on MTV

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      MTV 2.7.8
      OCP 4.17.11
      How reproducible:

      1.1 Prepare a guest which has two OS and the two OS were installed on one disks on VMware, migrate the guest from VMware on MTV and select option '/dev/sdb1' to migrate the second OS in migration plan before starting.but the migration is failed with below error 
      exec: /usr/bin/virt-v2v -v -x -o kubevirt -os /var/tmp/v2v -i libvirt -ic vpx://root@ -ip /etc/secret/secretKey --root /dev/sdb1 -it vddk -io vddk-libdir=/opt/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib -io vddk-thumbprint=86:25:2F:5E:74:5C:43:D9:28:62:31:E0:1F:BB:1F:FD:AC:18:A5:93 -on auto-esx7-0-multiple-linux-os – Auto-esx7.0-multiple_linux_os
      virt-v2v: error: root device /dev/sdb1 not found.  Roots found were: /dev/sda1 /dev/rhel/root

      2.1 Prepare a guest which has two OS 'rhel9.5' and 'rhel8.8' and the two OS were installed on different disks on VMware, migrate the guest from VMware on MTV and select option '/dev/sdb1' to migrate the second OS in migration plan before starting.but the migration is failed with below error 
      exec: /usr/bin/virt-v2v -v -x -o kubevirt -os /var/tmp/v2v -i libvirt -ic vpx://root@ -ip /etc/secret/secretKey --root /dev/sdb1 -it vddk -io vddk-libdir=/opt/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib -io vddk-thumbprint=CB:9F:B1:9D:33:49:6C:60:AD:3C:A5:16:77:91:5F:CD:1B:24:B1:43 -on esx8-0-rhel9-5-rhel8-8-x86-64-efi – esx8.0-rhel9.5-rhel8.8-x86_64-efi
      virt-v2v: error: root device /dev/sdb1 not found.  Roots found were: /dev/rhel/root /dev/rhel_bootp-73-213-205/root




              Unassigned Unassigned
              mxie@redhat.com Ming Xie
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