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  1. Migration Toolkit for Virtualization
  2. MTV-1864

Migrating RHEL VMs with LUKS disk fail at DiskTransferV2v stage


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done-Errata
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.7.8
    • 2.7.7
    • None
    • None
    • 3
    • False
    • None
    • True
    • Moderate

      Migrating a RHEL 9 or RHEL 8 VM with encrypted disks (LUKs) enabled from VMWare fails at the DiskTransferV2v stage.

      command: blkid '-c' '/dev/null' '-o' 'value' '-s' 'TYPE' '/dev/sda3'
      command: blkid returned 0
      command: blkid: stdout:
      guestfsd: => vflibguestfs: trace: v2v: vfs_type = "crypto_LUKS"
      libguestfs: trace: v2v: luks_uuid "/dev/sda3"
      s_type (0xc6) took 0.03 secs
      guestfsd: <= luks_uuid (0x1fb) request length 56 bytes
      commandrvf: stdout=n stderr=y flags=0x0
      commandrvf: udevadm --debug settle -E /dev/sda3
      SELinux enabled state cached to: disabled
      No filesystem is currently mounted on /sys/fs/cgroup.
      Failed to determine unit we run in, ignoring: No data available
      commandrvf: stdout=y stderr=y flags=0x0
      commandrvf: cryptsetup luksUUID /dev/sda3
      libguestfs: trace: v2v: luks_uuid = "b0286078-42fe-444e-bd03-62c4b8e523ee"
      getline: Inappropriate ioctl for device
      virt-v2v-inspector: could not read key from user
      libguestfs: trace: v2v: close


      After the failed migration the PVC that was bound to the conversion pod, you are able to create  a VM from this as a workaround. 


              mnecas@redhat.com Martin Necas
              rhn-support-schandle Samuel Chandler
              Chenli Hu Chenli Hu
              1 Vote for this issue
              10 Start watching this issue
