Uploaded image for project: 'Migration Toolkit for Virtualization'
  1. Migration Toolkit for Virtualization
  2. MTV-1749

Warm migaration - A few VMs failed to complete migration.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 2.7.5
    • Controller
    • False
    • None
    • True
    • Important

      Warm migration, 70 VMs, 3 disks each - Total 210 Disks.
      Each disk size 50G, usage 35G (70% usage)

      Using 8 ESX hosts, VMs spread evenly (8-9 VMs per host)

      Once all "DiskTransfer" completed and set "cutover" time
      6 VMs failed to complete the migration, with ERROR "Another task is already in progress"

      OCP 4.17.4
      ODF 4.17.0
      CNV 4.17.1
      MTV 2.7.5 ( + HotFix for MTV-1717.

        1. dv_vm-15091-disk1.log
          2 kB
        2. dv_vm-15091-disk1.txt
          2 kB
        3. dv_vm-15091-disk2.log
          2 kB
        4. dv_vm-15091-disk2.txt
          2 kB
        5. dv_vm-15091-disk3.log
          2 kB
        6. dv_vm-15091-disk3.txt
          2 kB
        7. forklift-controller.log.xz
          411 kB
        8. forklift-controller.txt
          8 kB
        9. mig.log
          331 kB
        10. mig.txt
          366 kB
        11. plan.log
          362 kB
        12. plan.txt
          392 kB
        13. Screenshot from 2024-12-06 11-41-18.png
          Screenshot from 2024-12-06 11-41-18.png
          185 kB
        14. Screenshot from 2024-12-06 11-41-44.png
          Screenshot from 2024-12-06 11-41-44.png
          111 kB

              mnecas@redhat.com Martin Necas
              dvaanunu@redhat.com David Vaanunu
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
