Uploaded image for project: 'Migration Toolkit for Virtualization'
  1. Migration Toolkit for Virtualization
  2. MTV-1695

Missing VM network-ID in the inventory.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done-Errata
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 2.7.5
    • 2.7.3
    • Inventory
    • False
    • None
    • True
    • Critical

      Added a provider in MTV with Vsphere Admin user.

      Create a migration plan for VM having NSX-T network attached from Vsphere.

      Notice VM networkmapping is missing, Adding networkmapping could not list NSX-T network as source networks.

      Retrieve the UUID of a provider and retrieving VM information from the MTV inventory we see the network.

      # curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"  https://<inventory_service_route>/providers/vsphere -k
      # curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"  https://<inventory_service_route>/providers/vsphere/<UUID>/vms -k
      # curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"  https://<inventory_service_route>/providers/vsphere/<UUID>/vms/<vm-id> -k  



        "networks": [
            "kind": "OpaqueNetwork",
            "id": "network-o171"


      But we don't see the VM NIC ID.

      "nics": [
      { "kind": "Network", "id": "" <====== }
      "mac": "00:50:56:84:22:18"


              mnecas@redhat.com Martin Necas
              rhn-support-ymotiyel Yash Motiyele
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
