Description of problem:
Static ipv4 changed after warm migrating win2022/2019 vm
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
MTV 2.7.0-12 IIB: 820537
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
Step1: Set the static ip in win2022/2019 VM in vSphere7
Step2: Warm migrate the VM in MTV with "Preserved static ip: on" and warm migration: on
Step3: Check the migration plan is succeeded and the VM is running
Step4: Checked in VM, the static ip changed to dhcp, the ipv4 address changed.
Checked in C:\Program Files\Guestfs\Firstboot\scripts-done, no network_configure.bat
Checked in C:\Program Files\Guestfs\Firstboot\log, no network related settings.
Actual results:
In step4: The static ip changed to dhcp, the ipv4 address changed.
Expected results:
In step2: The static ipv4 address no change.
- links to
RHBA-2024:139263 MTV 2.7.0 Images