This is the user-facing tracker for the low level CDI bug: CNV-44894
CNV 4.15.2
MTV v2.6.2
Problem: Customer is attempting to do warm migration from VMware (NFS backend) to OCV. Cold migrations work without issue, but warm migration fails with:
2024-07-04T09:50:17.909918243Z E0704 09:50:17.909853 1 vddk-datasource_amd64.go:120] Unable to connect to socket nbd:///tmp/nbd.sock: connect_uri: nbd_connect_uri: handshake: server has no export named '': No such file or directory 2024-07-04T09:50:17.909918243Z I0704 09:50:17.909901 1 vddk-datasource_amd64.go:153] Waiting for VDDK nbdkit log watcher to stop. 2024-07-04T09:50:20.473024812Z I0704 09:50:20.472987 1 vddk-datasource_amd64.go:193] Stopped watching nbdkit log. Last lines follow: 2024-07-04T09:50:20.473024812Z I0704 09:50:20.473005 1 vddk-datasource_amd64.go:222] Log line from nbdkit: nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VDDK_PhoneHome: Record credential type "uid" used... 2024-07-04T09:50:20.473024812Z I0704 09:50:20.473011 1 vddk-datasource_amd64.go:222] Log line from nbdkit: nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: 2024-07-04T09:50:17.907Z warning -[00040] [Originator@6876 sub=transport] SAN transport mode requires a snapshot. 2024-07-04T09:50:20.473024812Z I0704 09:50:20.473014 1 vddk-datasource_amd64.go:222] Log line from nbdkit: nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_Open (connection, [PDX01APCK002_NFS_v01_003] pdxnfstest02/pdxnfstest02-000002.vmdk, 4, &handle) 2024-07-04T09:50:20.473024812Z I0704 09:50:20.473017 1 vddk-datasource_amd64.go:222] Log line from nbdkit: nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_OpenEx: Open a disk. 2024-07-04T09:50:20.473024812Z I0704 09:50:20.473020 1 vddk-datasource_amd64.go:222] Log line from nbdkit: nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: 2024-07-04T09:50:17.907Z error -[00040] [Originator@6876 sub=transport] GetDiskToken: cannot create disk spec for disk [PDX01APCK002_NFS_v01_003] pdxnfstest02/pdxnfstest02-000002.vmdk. 2024-07-04T09:50:20.473049758Z I0704 09:50:20.473024 1 vddk-datasource_amd64.go:222] Log line from nbdkit: nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VixDiskLib: Unable to locate appropriate transport mode to open disk. Error 13 (You do not have access rights to this file) at 6729. 2024-07-04T09:50:20.473049758Z I0704 09:50:20.473028 1 vddk-datasource_amd64.go:222] Log line from nbdkit: nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_OpenEx: Cannot open disk [PDX01APCK002_NFS_v01_003] pdxnfstest02/pdxnfstest02-000002.vmdk. Error 13 (You do not have access rights to this file) at 7306. 2024-07-04T09:50:20.473049758Z I0704 09:50:20.473033 1 vddk-datasource_amd64.go:222] Log line from nbdkit: nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_Open: Cannot open disk [PDX01APCK002_NFS_v01_003] pdxnfstest02/pdxnfstest02-000002.vmdk. Error 13 (You do not have access rights to this file) at 7384. 2024-07-04T09:50:20.473049758Z I0704 09:50:20.473037 1 vddk-datasource_amd64.go:222] Log line from nbdkit: nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_GetErrorText (13) 2024-07-04T09:50:20.473064140Z I0704 09:50:20.473051 1 vddk-datasource_amd64.go:222] Log line from nbdkit: nbdkit: vddk[1]: error: VixDiskLib_Open: [PDX01APCK002_NFS_v01_003] pdxnfstest02/pdxnfstest02-000002.vmdk: You do not have access rights to this file
Customer states they are using the administrator@vsphere.local account, which has full administrative rights.
This looks similar to which was seen by the same customer, but we don't look to have the error with nested data centers 'Could not find datacenter specified'
The migration plan has:
Spec: Plan: Name: pdxnfstest02 Namespace: openshift-mtv UID: 01316098-c62e-4473-b62d-df68fd3cd582
Seeing these in the tasks:
Tasks: Annotations: Unit: MB Name: [PDX01APCK002_NFS_v01_003] pdxnfstest02/pdxnfstest02.vmdk Phase: Running Progress: Completed: 0 Total: 81920 Reason: Error; Unable to connect to vddk data source: connect_uri: nbd_connect_uri: handshake: server has no export named '': No such file or directory Started: 2024-07-04T09:39:14Z Annotations: Unit: MB Name: [PDX01APCK002_NFS_v01_003] pdxnfstest02/pdxnfstest02_1.vmdk Phase: Running Progress: Completed: 0 Total: 16384 Reason: Error; Unable to connect to vddk data source: connect_uri: nbd_connect_uri: handshake: server has no export named '': No such file or directory Started: 2024-07-04T09:39:14Z Annotations: Unit: MB Name: [PDX01APCK002_NFS_v01_003] pdxnfstest02/pdxnfstest02_2.vmdk Phase: Running Progress: Completed: 0 Total: 40960 Reason: Error; Unable to connect to vddk data source: connect_uri: nbd_connect_uri: handshake: server has no export named '': No such file or directory Started: 2024-07-04T09:39:11Z
- is blocked by
CNV-44894 VMware warm migration fails to open the snapshot with VDDK Error 13 (You do not have access rights to this file)
- Closed