There appears that there can be multiple causes that can lead to a "VDDK init image is invalid" error message on a migration plan. One specific case is if the image can not be pulled from the image registry. This could simply be a incorrect URL entered in to the VMware provider or that OCP doesn't have a CA bundle to trust the target registry.
The error message that gets presented to the user states:
VDDK init image is invalid
To troubleshoot, view the plan details page and check the Forklift controller pod logs
If you follow the instructions and check the "plan details page" you will see another variation of this message:
The plan is not ready - VDDKInvalid
VDDK init image is invalid. To troubleshoot, check the Forklift controller pod logs.
When you proceed to the Forklift controller pod logs you will find something like:
{"type":"ValidatingVDDK","status":"True","reason":"Started","category":"Advisory","message":"Validating VDDK init image" ...}}
{... "msg":"VDDK init image is invalid","type":"Warning","object":
Unfortunately, this doesn't point the user to the root cause of the issue where there is a vddk-validator-<plan name> pod that fails to be created because the image can't be pulled.
Any way to enhance the error to differentiated between an image can't be pulled vs the content of the image being invalid would be helpful.