Uploaded image for project: 'Migration Toolkit for Virtualization'
  1. Migration Toolkit for Virtualization
  2. MTV-1115

MTV passes empty '-io vddk-thumbprint=' parameter to virt-v2v


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False

      What were you trying to do that didn't work?

      Try to migrate a VM using a source provider using  ESX endpoint.
      The migration failed in state "ImageConversion".
      While try to migrate the same VM using vcnenter endpoint it passed.

      Please provide the package NVR for which bug is seen:

      OCP 4.15.11
      ODF 4.15.2
      CNV 4.15.1
      MTV 2.6

      How reproducible:

      Steps to reproduce

      1. Created source provider using ESX endpoint
      2. Create a plan to migrate 1 VM from that ESX
      3. Start the migration plan

      Expected results

      VM migrate successfully.

      Actual results

      Plan failed to migrate the VM in "ImageConversion" step.

      The log (see attachment) shows that MTV is running virt-v2v with an empty thumbprint parameter, which is never going to work.

              ahadas@redhat.com Arik Hadas
              dvaanunu@redhat.com David Vaanunu
              virt-bugs virt-bugs
              0 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue
