Provide a Forklift Operator to deploy on Vanilla Kubernetes, available in OperatorHub.io
During the process of building the end-to-end demo for Konveyor, that required deploying Forklift on vanilla Kubernetes, we learned some lessons:
- MTV operator requires routes which are not available in Kubernetes.
- We may count on ingress on Kubernetes but not on routes the way they are exposed in OpenShift
- UI requires certificate management that is not provided by Kubernetes
- Any user reaching Konveyor may want to test-drive the functionality of the tools, like Forklift, but now it can only be done in OpenShift
User Stories
As an upstream user I want to have a Forklift Operator so that I can deploy and test-drive the tool on my vanilla Kubernetes cluster
As an upstream user I want to have the Forklift Operator listed in OperatorHub so that I can reach all my operators in the same place
Implementation Notes
The initial implementation of the Forklift Operator may not include the UI to simplify the deployment. We will need in that case to provide a CLI tool. This would follow the policy already in place with KubeVirt that upstream provides no UI but the virtctl tool.