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  1. Migration Toolkit for Virtualization
  2. MTV-1099

[DOC] Explain how to get the MOR of entities from the vSphere console


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.5.6
    • 2.5.6
    • Documentation
    • None
    • 3
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Sprint 8-MMSDOCS 2024

      See - https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/migration_toolkit_for_virtualization/2.5/html/installing_and_using_the_migration_toolkit_for_virtualization/migrating-virtual-machines-from-cli#migrating-virtual-machines-cli_mtv

      Because of an issue we are running into with slowness/crashes in the 2.5.6 UI we need to make all our migrations manual right now (all via yaml). When creating a StorageMap for vmware, according to the docs, we need to know the "VMware data storage MOR", (for the "Id") where does one get this from the vSphere UI, or is it only available via the API?

      It looks like for the networkmap, you are able to just use the "name" of the network, so we are going to try the same thing for the data store to see if that works, but if it doesnt, I am wondering how the customer would retrieve the MOR on their own (either due to UI issues, or for automation purposes)

      This is how you can get the MOR:

        • open web browser, and go to https://<url for vCenter server in question>/mob*
        • log in when prompted*
        • select the content link*
        • look for the "rootFolder" and select that*
        • select the "childEntity" (will be a datacenter object type)*
        • if you are just looking for the datastore MOR you should now be able to see the datastores listed on the screen (you may need to select "more" to see all of them)*

      For more details see Slack - https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/C014ZTV21L2/p1713891728068759






            richard.hoch Richard Hoch
            rhn-support-anarnold A Arnold
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