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  1. Migration Toolkit for Red Hat Openshift Project Lead
  2. MTRHO-21

Consider alternative flavors of state transfer


      We need to consider the support of several different PV migration strategies and working to find where we have gaps.

      • CSI Snapshot + DataMover to transfer bits
      • DataMover (rsync)
      • Copy to ObjectStorage (rclone, VolSync supports)

      Volsync covers a lot of this so it's possible that this will be inherited for free based on crane's usage of volsync. Expecting this story to splinter into more concrete efforts, but we want to track our interest here for future consideration and write up some enhancements for how to offer these types of features.

            alpatel07 Alay Patel (Inactive)
            ernelson@redhat.com Erik Nelson (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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