Description of problem:
- For the following analysis custom rule is not fired. Also effort count dropped from 176 to 15 and Tag count dropped from 6 t0 3
- source: "Upload a local binary",
target: ["Application server migration to"],
binary: ["jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear"],
customRule: ["basic-custom-rule.xml"],
- source: "Upload a local binary",
- "tackle_test_app_custom_rules": {
"source": "Source code + dependencies",
"Git": "",
"customRule": ["01-javax-package-custom-target.windup.yaml"],
Credentials attached: source + maven
Effort dropped from : 1500 to 0
Tag Count : 85 to 32
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
100 %
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a upload analysis using above mentioned application and custom rule
2. Once complete, Check the effort count and tag count and then Click on Issues
3. The rule attached is not present
Actual results:
Rule isn't triggered
Expected results:
Rule should be triggered.
Additional info:
7.2.0 Result
7.1.1 Result
- links to
RHBA-2024:139533 Migration Toolkit for Applications bug fix and enhancement update