Description of problem:
Source analysis doesn't work and fails with
ERRO[0000] cannot open required path, ensure that container-less dependencies are installed error="stat /home/igor/.kantra/jdtls/java-analyzer-bundle/java-analyzer-bundle.core/target/java-analyzer-bundle.core.jar: no such file or directory" ERRO[0000] failed to validate flags error="stat /home/igor/.kantra/jdtls/java-analyzer-bundle/java-analyzer-bundle.core/target/java-analyzer-bundle.core.jar: no such file or directory" Error: stat /home/igor/.kantra/jdtls/java-analyzer-bundle/java-analyzer-bundle.core/target/java-analyzer-bundle.core.jar: no such file or directory
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Run command like
mta-cli analyze-bin --overwrite --input /home/igor/ --output /home/igor/MTA/reports --target openjdk --log-level=10
2. Observe error message
Actual results:
See error above
Expected results:
Analysis should complete with no errors
Additional info:
Same command works with no issues if using old-school container-mode analysis
- links to
RHBA-2024:139533 Migration Toolkit for Applications bug fix and enhancement update