Add the test for analyzing the kafka fuse app with camel3 as the source and camel4 as the target
The command that should be automated is : mta-cli analyze --input=camel-cbr --output=camel-cbr-migrated --target=camel4 --source=camel2 --overwrite.
camel-br folder is inside the beginner folder
- Download archive
- Explode and find `camel-cbr` folder in `beginner`
- Use that as input with following options
mta-cli --input camel-cbr --output output --source camel2 --target camel4
Expected output
Following rules are expected to be match
- xml-java-versions-00001
- xml-java-versions-00002
- xml-java-versions-00003
- is related to
MTA-2246 Expected camel4 violations are not generated for camel-cbr example app
- Closed