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  1. Migration Toolkit for Applications
  2. MTA-1220

Documentation for new rules syntax


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      The following section will need to be re-written


      User story

      As a user, I want to be able to use custom rules in both the new YAML format or the legacy XML format.

      The usage of XML rules should be transparent and shouldn’t require any additional steps. The reason being that XML rules syntax is outdated.




      The analyzer rules are a set of instructions that are used to analyze source code and detect issues. Rules are fundamental pieces that codify modernization knowledge.

      The analyzer parses user provided rules, evaluates them and generates Violations for matched rules. A collection of one or more rules form a RulesetRulesets provide an opionated way of organizing multiple rules that achieve a common goal. The analyzer CLI takes a set of rulesets as input arguments.


      A Rule is written in YAML. It consists of metadata, conditions and actions. It instructs analyzer to take specified actions when given conditions match.

      https://github.com/konveyor/analyzer-lsp/blob/main/docs/rules.md#rule-metadataRule Metadata

      Rule metadata contains general information about a rule:

      1. id must be unique among a Ruleset ruleId: "unique_id" # violations have pre-defined categories category: "potential|information|mandatory" # labels are key=value pairs attached to rules, value # can be empty or omitted, keys can be subdomain prefixed labels: # key=value pair - "label1=val1" # valid label with value omitted - "label2" # valid label with empty value - "label3=" # subdomain prefixed key - "konveyor.io/label1=val1" # effort is an integer value to indicate level of # effort needed to fix this issue effort: 1
        See labels doc for more details on labels field.

        https://github.com/konveyor/analyzer-lsp/blob/main/docs/rules.md#rule-actionsRule Actions

      A rule has message and tag actions.

      The message action generates a message for every violation created when rule matches. The message also supports templating in that the custom data exported by providers can be used in the message.

      1. when a match is found, analyzer generates a violation with this message message: "helpful message about the violation"
        Optionally, hyperlinks can be provided along with a message to give relevant information about the found issue:
      2. links point to external hyperlinks # rule authors are expected to provide # relevant hyperlinks for quick fixes, docs etc links: - url: "konveyor.io" title: "short title for the link"
        The tag action allows generating tags for the application. Each string in the tag can be a comma separated list of tags. Optionally, tags can have categories.
      3. when a match is found, analyzer generates these tags for the application tag: # tags can be comma separated - "tag1,tag2,tag3" # optionally, tags can be assigned categories - "Category=tag4,tag5"

        https://github.com/konveyor/analyzer-lsp/blob/main/docs/rules.md#rule-conditionsRule Conditions

      Finally, a rule contains a when block to specify a condition:
      when: <condition> <nested-condition>
      When has exactly one condition. Multiple conditions can be nested within the top-level condition.

      https://github.com/konveyor/analyzer-lsp/blob/main/docs/rules.md#provider-conditionsProvider Conditions

      A "provider" knows how to analyse the source code of a technology. It publishes what it can do with the source code in terms of "capabilities".

      A provider condition instructs the analyzer to invoke a specific "provider" and use one of its "capabilities". In general, it is of the form <provider_name>.<capability>:
      when: <provider>.<capability>: <input_fields>
      Analyzer currently supports builtinjava and go providers.

      https://github.com/konveyor/analyzer-lsp/blob/main/docs/rules.md#builtin-providerBuiltin Provider

      builtin is an in-tree provider that can work with vaious different files and internal metadata generated by the engine. It has filefilecontentxmljson and hasTags capabilities.


      file capability enables the provider to find files in the source code that match a given pattern:
      when: builtin.file: pattern: "<regex_to_match_filenames>"


      filecontent capability enables the provider to search for content that matches a given pattern:
      when: builtin.filecontent: filePattern: "<regex_to_match_filenames_to_scope_search>" pattern: "<regex_to_match_content_in_the_matching_files>"


      xml capability enables the provider to query XPath expressions on a list of provided XML files. Unlike providers discussed so far, xml takes two input parameters:
      when: builtin.xml: # xpath must be a valid xpath expression xpath: "<xpath_expressions>" # filepaths is a list of files to scope xpath query to filepaths: - "/src/file1.xml" - "/src/file2.xml"


      json capability enables the provider to query XPath expressions on a list of provided JSON files. Unlike xml, currently json only takes xpath as input and performs the search on all json files in the codebase:
      when: builtin.json: # xpath must be a valid xpath expression xpath: "<xpath_expressions>"


      hasTags enables the provider to query application tags. It doesn't deal with the source code, instead it queries the internal data structure to check whether given tags are present for the application:
      when: # when more than one tags are given, a logical AND is implied hasTags: - "tag1" - "tag2"

      https://github.com/konveyor/analyzer-lsp/blob/main/docs/rules.md#java-providerJava Provider

      Java provider can work with Java source code and provides capabilities referenced and dependency.


      referenced capability enables the provider to find references in the source code. It takes two input parameters:
      when: java.referenced: # regex pattern to match pattern: "<pattern>" # location defines the exact location where # pattern should be matched location: CONTRUCTOR_CALL
      The supported locations are:

      • TYPE
      • IMPORT
      https://github.com/konveyor/analyzer-lsp/blob/main/docs/rules.md#go-providerGo Provider

      Go provider can work with Golang source code and provides capabilities referenced and dependency.


      referenced capability enables the provider to find references in the source code:
      when: go.referenced: "<regex_to_find_reference>"


      The dependency capability enables the provider to find dependencies for an application:
      when: go.dependency: # name of the dependency to search name: "<dependency_name>" # upper bound on version of the depedency upperbound: "<version_string>" # lower bound on version of the dependency lowerbound: "<version_string>"
      A match is found when the given application has a dependency that falls within the given range of versions.

      https://github.com/konveyor/analyzer-lsp/blob/main/docs/rules.md#logical-conditionsLogical Conditions

      Analyzers provide two basic logical conditions that are useful in making more complex queries by aggregating results of other conditions.

      https://github.com/konveyor/analyzer-lsp/blob/main/docs/rules.md#and-conditionAnd Condition

      The And condition takes an array of conditions and performs a logical "and" operation on their results:
      when: and: - <condition1> - <condition2>
      when: and: - java.dependency: name: junit.junit upperbound: 4.12.2 lowerbound: 4.4.0 - java.dependency: name: io.fabric8.kubernetes-client lowerbound: 5.0.100
      Note that the conditions can also be nested within other conditions:
      when: and: - and: - go.referenced: "CustomResourceDefinition" - java.referenced: pattern: "CustomResourceDefinition" - go.referenced: "CustomResourceDefinition"

      https://github.com/konveyor/analyzer-lsp/blob/main/docs/rules.md#or-conditionOr Condition

      The Or condition takes an array of other conditions and performs a logical "or" operation on their results:
      when: or: - <condition1> - <condition2>


      A set of Rules form a Ruleset. Rulesets are an opionated way of passing Rules to Rules Engine.

      Each Ruleset is stored in its own directory with a ruleset.yaml file at the directory root that stores metadata of the Ruleset.

      1. name has to be unique within the provided rulesets # doesn't necessarily has to be unique globally name: "Name of the ruleset" description: "Describes the ruleset" # additional labels for ruleset # labels help filter rulesets labels: - awesome_rules1
        Labels on a Ruleset are inherited by all the rules in it.

      Rulesets provide a good way of organizing multiple rules that achieve a common goal.


            rhn-support-sbeskin Sasha Beskin
            rhn-support-anarnold A Arnold
            Karishma Punwatkar Karishma Punwatkar
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