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  1. FUSE Mediation Router
  2. MR-648

Camel HBase component raises a NPE if the table name does not conform to the host name of a uri and incompatibilities between hbase versions.


      The hbase component uses the URI getHost method to extract the table name. This method will return null if the host name does not conform to the host name requirement. These requirement include the fact that the name has to include a '.' in the name or is a ipv4 or ipv6 string format. All other formats will return null when calling the getHost method.

      The other issue is that the current hbase client that is being uses is 0.90.5 and if you use a hbase 0.92.x or greater with this implement. An IllegalArguementException Not a host:port pair: is generated. The user will need to use the exclusion dependency feature to get around this but forcing the users to decide with hbase client to use will also resolve this issue.

            willem.jiang Willem Jiang (Inactive)
            ccorsi1_jira Claudio Corsi (Inactive)
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