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  1. OpenShift Monitoring
  2. MON-3778

Request for sending data via telemetry - OLS


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • NEW
    • NEW

      Request for sending data via telemetry

      The goal is to collect metrics about openshift lightspeed because we want to understand how users are making use of the product(configuration options they enable) as well as the experience they are having when using it(e.g. response times)


      Represents the llm provider+model the customer is currently using


      • <provider> one of the supported provider names (e.g. openai, watsonx, azureopenai)
      • <model> one of the supported llm model names (e.g. gpt-3.5-turbo, granite-13b-chat-v2)

      The cardinality of the metric is around 6 currently, may grow somewhat as we add supported providers+models in the future (not all provider + model combinations are valid, so it's not cardinality of models*providers)


      Represents all the provider/model combinations the customer has configured in ols (but are not necessarily currently using)


      • <model>, one of the supported llm model names (e.g. gpt-3.5-turbo, granite-13b-chat-v2)
      • <provider>, one of our 3 supported providers (openai, watsonx, azureopenai)

      The cardinality of the metric is around 4 currently since not all provider/model combinations are valid. May grow somewhat as we add supported models in the future.


      number of api calls with path + response code


      • <status_code>, the http response code returned (e.g. 200, 401, 403, 500)
      • <path>, one of our request paths, e.g. /v1/query, /v1/feedback

      cardinality is around 12 (paths times number of likely response codes)

            spasquie@redhat.com Simon Pasquier
            bparees@redhat.com Ben Parees
            Jan Fajerski
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
