Uploaded image for project: 'OpenShift Monitoring'
  1. OpenShift Monitoring
  2. MON-2340

[obsolete] Add logging view to the openshift console


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • NEW
    • OBSDA-8 - Allow log exploration natively inside the OpenShift Console to reduce the number of UIs users need to access and use to a bare minimum
    • Impediment
    • OBSDA-8Allow log exploration natively inside the OpenShift Console to reduce the number of UIs users need to access and use to a bare minimum
    • NEW


      NOTE: This is a clone of a "sister epic" LOG-2389 to for work that is expected to be done by the monitoing team. The LOG epic has tasks for the logging tea.


      Add a logging view to the openshift console that can show logs from a Loki store.

      • Must have: support store deployed by LokiStack operator.
      • Nice to have: support for other Loki stores.

      The log view must

      • Provide a good out-of-box experience for common use cases.
      • Be k8s/openshift aware and tightly integrated with the openshit console:
        •  good representation of k8s concepts: namespace, pod etc.
        • easy navigation to related console views (pods, containers, etc.)
      • Be designed for flexibile re-use in  "correlation" views where we may:
        • display logs alongside metrics, alerts or other existing views.
        • embed clickable links in log views to other views.


      • Not competing with grafana or similar on features
      • Not preventing the use of grafana or similar for customers who want that.
        • aim for useful co-existence rather than direct competation.
        • our strength is tight integration in openshift console.


      • Provide a complete out-of-box experience for openshift logging customers so they can view logs without setting up a grafana instance.


      • Require users to provide grafana to use our log aggreagation and storage.

      Acceptance Criteria


      Risk and Assumptions

      None special - the logging views don't require anything that isn't already present in other console views.

      Documentation Considerations

      Should be mostly self-documenting (intuitive layout, tooltips, links etc.)

      Document like other UI components.

      Open Questions


      Additional Notes


        Docs Tracker Sub-task Closed Undefined Unassigned
        QE Tracker Sub-task Closed Undefined Unassigned
        TE Tracker Sub-task Closed Undefined Unassigned

            rhn-engineering-aconway Alan Conway
            rhn-engineering-aconway Alan Conway
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
