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  1. JBoss Modules
  2. MODULES-400

Automatically set the os.name if the -Djboss.modules.os-name property has not already been specified when running on RHEL platforms

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    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.10.2.Final, 1.11.0.Final
    • None
    • None
    • None

      org.jboss.modules.NativeLibraryResourceLoader#getLibrary uses the Identification.NATIVE_SEARCH_PATHS value to determine the search path to use when attempting to load a native library. Currently, when running on any Linux distribution, the search path that will be checked will be of the form linux-{cpuName}. This can cause issues on RHEL platforms where the native library is located in a RHEL-specific directory, e.g., el6-{cpuName}, el7-{cpuName}, el8-{cpuName}.

      In particular, when running EAP with WildFly OpenSSL 1.1.0.Final or higher on a RHEL platform, the WildFly OpenSSL native library cannot be loaded because the JBoss Modules Identification.NATIVE_SEARCH_PATHS only attempts to look in the linux-{cpuName} directory but the native is actually located in a RHEL-specific directory.

      To fix this, we could update the Identification class to attempt to search RHEL-specific paths when running on a RHEL platform and we can fallback to the linux-{cpuName} path if a RHEL-specific path isn't found.


              fjuma1@redhat.com Farah Juma
              fjuma1@redhat.com Farah Juma
              rhn-support-ceverson Clark Everson
