Resolution: Done
The module loader would be able to load (at minimum) the following modules:
java.base java.compiler java.datatransfer java.desktop java.instrument java.jnlp java.logging java.management java.management.rmi java.naming java.prefs java.rmi java.scripting java.se java.security.jgss java.security.sasl java.smartcardio java.sql java.sql.rowset java.xml java.xml.crypto
The following modules are already deprecated and should be excluded (for now):
java.activation java.corba java.se.ee java.transaction java.xml.bind java.xml.ws java.xml.ws.annotation jdk.policytool
On Java 8, the loader should be implemented by way of a system dependency which delegates the exact paths of the given module (these can be hard-coded in the approprate JDKSpecific class). On Java 9, it should be implemented using the MODULES-254 solution.
The system dependency methods should then be deprecated, so that users can move away from using javax.api, sun.jdk.api, etc. kinds of modules, towards using the standard module names instead.
The list is not including any jdk.* modules yet. These can be added on an as-needed basis; in particular, they may have different names and/or contents depending on the JDK vendor. The goal would be to provide, on a per-vendor basis, a consistent experience between Java 8 and Java 9 versions.
- is blocked by
MODULES-254 Support for dependency on Jigsaw modules from static modules
- Resolved