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  1. JBoss Modules
  2. MODULES-279

MavenArtifactUtil does not use proxy, mirror or server credentials from settings.xml

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    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.5.4.Final, 1.6.0.Beta7
    • 1.5.2.Final
    • Maven
    • None

      As of now, MavenArtifactUtil only evaluates profiles and repositories from settings.xml, but not:

      • autentication credentials from servers element
      • proxy settings from proxies element
      • mirror settings from mirrors element

      MavenSettings does not even parse these elements yet.

      This is not a problem as long as an artifact can be resolved from the local repository but once the artifact has to be downloaded, you are out of luck e.g. when sitting behing a proxy (in a corporate environment).

      There is also no support for an alternate location of settings.xml (see mvn -s ... for example).

      I ran into this problem tyring to build WildFly Swarm, see this comment on SWARM-1130.

              bmcwhirt@redhat.com Bob McWhirter (Inactive)
              falko.modler@t-systems.com Falko Modler (Inactive)
              rhn-support-ceverson Clark Everson
