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  1. ModeShape
  2. MODE-2437

Keep Infinispan code dependencies to a minimum


      Beside using the "regular" Infinispan API: Cache, DefaultCacheContainer, AdvancedCache, Externalizers etc, ModeShape uses other classes from the org.inifinispan.common.util package. Unfortunately these vary drastically in terms of methods, API, package names between major versions of Infinispan and even between community versions of Infinispan & JDG versions based on the same community major release (e.g. Infinispan 6.x and JDG 6.4).
      This means that each time ModeShape wants to change the version of Infinispan it uses, depending on "luck", there are various degrees of effort required to accommodate this.
      Therefore, ModeShape should remove all those "util" dependencies either by having its own util-equivalent classes (e.g. ReflectionUtil) or simply by using standard JDK classes if applicable.

              hchiorean Horia Chiorean (Inactive)
              hchiorean Horia Chiorean (Inactive)
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