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  1. ModeShape
  2. MODE-2357

Repository Explorer does not display all nodes


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      Start the Repository Explorer on a fresh (empty) repository.
      1) Create a node in root called "Top" (nt:unstructured)
      2) Save
      3) Navigate into "Top"
      4) Create a child called "data" (nt:unstructured).
      5) Save
      6) Navigate top "Top" again (Just click the breadcrumb)
      7) The "data" node does not show.
      8) Create another child called "data" (nt:unstructured)
      9) Save
      10) Navigate to "Top" again
      11) A "data" node is shown with a path of /Top/data[2]

      Start the Repository Explorer on a fresh (empty) repository. 1) Create a node in root called "Top" (nt:unstructured) 2) Save 3) Navigate into "Top" 4) Create a child called "data" (nt:unstructured). 5) Save 6) Navigate top "Top" again (Just click the breadcrumb) 7) The "data" node does not show. 8) Create another child called "data" (nt:unstructured) 9) Save 10) Navigate to "Top" again 11) A "data" node is shown with a path of /Top/data [2]

      When creating nodes & saving via the Repository Explorer, not all the newly created nodes are displayed.
      Also, the fact that not all nodes are displayed seems to be independent of the fact that they are created via the Explorer UI: nodes with custom types (i.e. user defined types) are not always displayed in the explorer.

            oleg.kulikov Oleg Kulikov (Inactive)
            hchiorean Horia Chiorean (Inactive)
            1 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
