Uploaded image for project: 'ModeShape'
  1. ModeShape
  2. MODE-2248

Repository Explorer doesn't work in Wildfly


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • 4.0.0.Beta1
    • 4.0.0.Alpha4
    • Web Application
    • None
    • Hide

      1) Install/extract a fresh Wildfly 8.1 instance
      2) Build the ModeShape WF kit and extract modeshape-4.0-SNAPSHOT-jboss-wf8-dist.zip into the Wildfly server
      3) Start the container with standalone.bat -c standalone-modeshape.xml
      4) Open a browser (I've tested with Firefox and IE) at http://localhost:8080/modeshape-explorer/

      1) Install/extract a fresh Wildfly 8.1 instance 2) Build the ModeShape WF kit and extract modeshape-4.0-SNAPSHOT-jboss-wf8-dist.zip into the Wildfly server 3) Start the container with standalone.bat -c standalone-modeshape.xml 4) Open a browser (I've tested with Firefox and IE) at http://localhost:8080/modeshape-explorer/

      After performing a mvn clean install and deploying the Wildly Kit in Wildfly 8.0.0 or 8.1.0, I tried to access http://localhost:8080/modeshape-explorer

      The following exception is displayed in a browser popup (there are no exceptions in the server console): Error405 HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL

        1. wf_post_firebug_request.png
          8 kB
          Horia Chiorean
        2. wf_explorer_error.png
          5 kB
          Horia Chiorean

            oleg.kulikov Oleg Kulikov (Inactive)
            hchiorean Horia Chiorean (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
