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  1. ModeShape
  2. MODE-1752

Improve skip(...) performance in InputStream of InfinispanBinaryStore


      Caused by: https://community.jboss.org/message/789835#789835

      Inside ChunkInputStream.skip(..) the data to be skipped are loaded and then skipped. Thats not really fast.

      Change suggestion:
      To forecast the chunk, which needs to be loaded at start or at next after the skipped bytes, its important to know how big the next chunks are.
      The chunk size may be changed in the future, so the Metadata object of the BLOB must contain also a list of size of every chunk.

      The serialized Metadata object format contains a field for the version, so changes of the Metadata object can be done backward compatible.

      One real-world use case is a website that exposes videos stored in ModeShape. Most video players allow skipping, and that only works if the stream is skippable.

              hchiorean Horia Chiorean (Inactive)
              tfromm_jira Thomas Fromm (Inactive)
              1 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
