Resolution: Unresolved
The core of the problem is that the timeout is apparently not working in Undertow/WF as reported via UNDERTOW-1018.
Description from the docs:
Timeout (in seconds) for proxy connections to a node. That is the time mod_cluster will wait for the back-end response before returning error. That corresponds to timeout in the worker mod_proxy documentation. A value of -1 indicates no timeout. Note that mod_cluster always uses a cping/cpong before forwarding a request and the connectiontimeout value used by mod_cluster is the ping value.
here the node timeout is the same as proxy timeout with default of 20?
From apache docs:
timeout ProxyTimeout Socket timeout in seconds. The number of seconds Apache httpd waits for data sent by / to the backend.
Description in NodeConfiguration builder:
/** * Maximum time on seconds for idle connections the proxy will wait to connect to the node. */ int getNodeTimeout();
Definition in WF model:
[standalone@embedded /] /subsystem=modcluster/proxy=default:read-resource-description { "outcome" => "success", "result" => { ... "node-timeout" => { "type" => INT, "description" => "Timeout (in seconds) for proxy connections to a node. That is the time mod_cluster will wait for the back-end response before returning an error.", "expressions-allowed" => true, "required" => false, "nillable" => true, "unit" => "SECONDS", "min" => 1L, "max" => 2147483647L, "stability" => "default", "access-type" => "read-write", "storage" => "configuration", "restart-required" => "all-services" },
definition in XSD:
<xs:attribute name="node-timeout" type="xs:string"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> Timeout (in seconds) for proxy connections to a node. That is the time mod_cluster will wait for the back-end response before returning an error. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:attribute>
- is triggered by
UNDERTOW-1018 node-timeout: Attribute is not working
- Coding In Progress