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  1. OpenShift Migration Toolkit for Containers
  2. MIG-972

Update legacy operator install instructions to reference correct tag


    • False
    • False
    • ToDo

      With the release of MTC 1.5.3, we'll need to update the install instructions that reference the export of the operator.yml off of the legacy operator image and ensure that the correct image tag is specified for 1.5.3.

      Today the documentation references 1.5.1, which I actually think we'll want to keep for the next week because the 1.5.2 image is broken, and 1.5.1 remains functionally compatible with 1.5 and 1.6  controllers.

            apinnick@redhat.com Avital Pinnick
            ernelson@redhat.com Erik Nelson (Inactive)
            Xin Jiang Xin Jiang
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
