Resolution: Done-Errata
MTC 1.8.4
On performing a migration from source cluster to target cluster, with target namespace different from the source namespace, the DVM fails.
MTC / OCP Versions:
MTC 1.8.4
How reproducible:
Steps to reproduce:
1. Deploy any application with PVCs
2. Create a migration plan and edit the target namespace to be different than the source namespace
3. Trigger Cutover migration
Expected results:
Cutover should be completed successfully
Actual results:
Cutover gets completed with warnings, DVM fails.
Additional info:
$ oc get dvm -n openshift-migration migration-0ce25-cg82h -o yaml apiVersion: migration.openshift.io/v1alpha1 kind: DirectVolumeMigration metadata: creationTimestamp: "2024-08-20T14:11:17Z" finalizers: - migration.openshift.io/directvolumemigrationfinalizer generateName: migration-0ce25- generation: 12 labels: app.kubernetes.io/part-of: openshift-migration migmigration: 77d32651-e032-410e-8545-ac8aa3fac2c1 migration-direct-volume: 77d32651-e032-410e-8545-ac8aa3fac2c1 name: migration-0ce25-cg82h namespace: openshift-migration ownerReferences: - apiVersion: migration.openshift.io/v1alpha1 controller: true kind: MigMigration name: migration-0ce25 uid: 77d32651-e032-410e-8545-ac8aa3fac2c1 resourceVersion: "246623" uid: b41e8d42-ae66-49c0-a85e-9c94af4ce6cf spec: createDestinationNamespaces: true destMigClusterRef: name: host namespace: openshift-migration persistentVolumeClaims: - name: postgresql namespace: django-src targetAccessModes: - ReadWriteOnce targetName: postgresql targetNamespace: django-tgt targetStorageClass: standard-csi srcMigClusterRef: name: source-cluster namespace: openshift-migration status: conditions: - category: Advisory durable: true lastTransitionTime: "2024-08-20T14:11:17Z" message: 'The migration has failed. See: Errors.' reason: DeleteStaleVirtualMachineInstanceMigrations status: "True" type: Failed errors: - 'source and target namespaces must match: django-src:django-tgt' itinerary: VolumeMigrationFailed observedDigest: 0b8ba7957b8ae83371acde4f0a862833c2c531f6442ade713ef844c333391280 phase: Completed phaseDescription: Complete
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RHSA-2024:130588 Migration Toolkit for Containers (MTC) 1.8.4 security and bug fix update