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  1. Managed Service - Streams
  2. MGDSTRM-7914

[UI] Kafka instance duration in table - update logic


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • No
    • MGDSRVS-43 - Support Customer with different limits in the fleet
    • MGDX - Sprint 219


      When an org becomes a paying customer, any trial instances that existed at the time of subscription will remain available until the 48 duration ends. 

      Today we display information about duration of a trial instance to a user. If our logic is based on whether the user has a subscription, then this logic should be updated to be based on information we get from the API regarding type.


      So that we clearly explain which instances have a duration and which do not in the event that both types of instances are listed at the same time.


      Review the logic we have today that determine when the duration message displays in the table, and update it to be based on details the API provides about the type of instance.


      Include the following where applicable:

      • <bulleted list of functional acceptance criteria that need to be completed>
      • <call out anything on the documentation side that's needed as a result of this task being completed>
      • <any metrics, monitoring dashboards and alerts that need to be created or be updated>
      • <SOP creation or updates>


      The following steps should be adhered to:

      • Required tests should be put in place - unit, integration, manual test cases (if necessary)
      • CI and all relevant tests passing
      • Changes have been verified by one additional reviewer against:
      • each required environment
      • each supported upgrade path
      • If the changes could have an impact on the clients (either UI or CLI), a JIRA should be created for making the required changes on the client side and acknowledged by one of the client side team members. PR has been merged

        1. image-2022-05-23-09-23-20-965.png
          18 kB
          Jennifer Giardino
        2. screenshot-1.png
          50 kB
          Jennifer Giardino

              apratap468 Ajay Pratap (Inactive)
              jgiardin Jennifer Giardino
              MK - Consoles
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
