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  1. Managed Service - Streams
  2. MGDSTRM-11089

Upgrade builds to CPASS v9


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • No
    • ---
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    • MK - Sprint 235

      CPASS v9 will be released on the 24th of April which contains breaking changes. Full details are available in the cpass docs 

      On Monday, April 24th, the CPaaS team will release v9 of CPaaS. This major release includes breaking changes that affects the product and release YAML files in CPaaS. In brief, the breaking changes are:
      1. "GerritProject" is no longer an option as a midstream project type,    only "GitLabProject" is supported now.
      2. The "java" component is no longer valid, it needs to be changed to "pnc".
      3. 'brew-operator' and 'brew-cekit-opreator' build types have been updated to    "brew-operator-bundle" and "brew-cekit-operator-bundle".
      4. The "push-advisories-to-cdn-docker-stage" release stage has been deprecated.    Use the "push-advisories" stage with "targets: [CDN_DOCKER_STAGE]"
      5. The "honeybadger_optional" key is no longer valid.    Replace all instances with "honeybadger".
      6. Honey Badger specific fields have been moved and renamed.  
      7. "regenerate-bundle" is no longer valid in release.yml.

      Full details of the changes are described in the CPaaS Version Migration Handbook [1]. If you have any questions, please post them to the CPaaS Users channel. [1] https://cpaas.pages.redhat.com/documentation/users/cpaas_version_updates/migration.html

              Unassigned Unassigned
              sbarker@redhat.com Sam Barker
              Kafka Integrations
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              2 Start watching this issue
