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  1. Managed Service - Streams
  2. MGDSTRM-11079

Investigate scenario where customer is installing RHOSAK + RHOC on low resource cluster


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • No
    • MGDSRVS-145 - RHOSAK Enterprise Plan: RHOSAK on customer-owned OSD/ROSA/ARO
    • ---
    • ---


      Investigate a scenario where the customer is installing RHOSAK + RHOC on low resource cluster


      Apart from defining the minimum requirements of resources, if one component designates higher priority classes in comparison to another component there may be pod evictions etc that are not expected. We need to study these situations and need to create alerts accordingly.


      Deploy a RHOSAK hybrid cluster then try installing RHOC where the resources are not sufficient or after installing both components try removing a node or two to see how the system behaves and how it affects the service(s). Typically during the OpensShift upgrades the nodes are cordoned for upgrade.



      Include the following where applicable:

      • <bulleted list of functional acceptance criteria that need to be completed>
      • <call out anything on the documentation side that's needed as a result of this task being completed>
      • <any metrics, monitoring dashboards and alerts that need to be created or be updated>
      • <SOP creation or updates>


      The following steps should be adhered to:

      • Required tests should be put in place - unit, integration, manual test cases (if necessary)
      • CI and all relevant tests passing
      • Changes have been verified by one additional reviewer against:
      • each required environment
      • each supported upgrade path
      • If the changes could have an impact on the clients (either UI or CLI), a JIRA should be created for making the required changes on the client side and acknowledged by one of the client side team members. PR has been merged

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rhn-engineering-rareddy Ramesh Reddy
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