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  1. Managed Service - Streams
  2. MGDSTRM-10291

Consistently expose 'instance' metric labels on kafka metrics



      The new metrics introduced by the work of this MGDSTRM-10148 are required to have the instance_name and instance_id labels. This change will help bring them into being.


      Supports the use-case being delivered by this Epic. This also takes a step towards MGDSTRM-7080.


      The metrics produced by fleetshard already have the instance_name label. We need to add the instance_id.

      • Change fleetshard MetricManager to populate a instance_id label from org.bf2.operator.resources.v1alpha1.ManagedKafka#ID managed kafka resource label. This will add the label onto all instance specific metrics emitted by fleeshard, including kafka_instance_connection_limit desired by this change.

      In RHOSAK the kafka metrics already have an instance_name label. This is produced by this relabelling rule which takes the strimzi_io_cluster label produced by Strimzi and maps it into instance_name. This is no label containing the instance's id We make a change to cause the scrape to emit a bf2_org_id label containing the instance's id.

      Note that:

      • Strimzi will propagate the label to the pods.
      • Prometheus automatic creates metric labels from the pod's labels during ingestion. This will mean that metrics such as kafka_server_socket_server_metrics_connection_count will automatically have a bf2_org_id label.
      • MGDSTRM-10287 will use a relabelled rule to map bf2_org_id to instance_id.

      We should verify that the addition of these labels won't upset existing alerts or dashboards.


      • Changes made to fleetshard with appropriate unit tests.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            keithbwall Keith Wall
            Kafka Integrations
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