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  1. Managed Service - Streams
  2. MGDSTRM-10079

Increase strimzi operator replicas to 2 & enable strimzi leadership election


    • MK - Sprint 232


      Now that we have more reasonable CPU utilisation (MGDSTRM-10045) we must configure the Strimzi Operator for high availability and configure leadership election so that exactly one replica is active as any one time.


      High availability.



      1. Configure the strimzi deployment https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/mk-ci-cd/rhosak-pipeline-configs/-/blob/rhosak-0.1-rhel-8/distgit/containers/rhosak-kas-strimzi-operator-bundle/src/templates/strimzi-cluster-operator.deployment.yaml#L5
        1. Increase the replica count from 1 to 2
        2. Set the STRIMZI_LEADER_ELECTION_ENABLED env var to true
        3. Set the STRIMZI_LEADER_ELECTION_LEASE_NAME env var to match the name of the operator. That way if we have two different operator versions deployed they will use a different Lease object. The configuration for Strimzi leadership election is here: https://strimzi.io/docs/operators/latest/configuring.html#ref-operator-cluster-leader-election-str. We can do this using the Kube downward api: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/downward-api/
      2. Review the strimzi operator alerting https://github.com/bf2fc6cc711aee1a0c2a/observability-resources-mk/blob/main/resources/prometheus/prometheus-rules.yaml#L469


      1. Issue where leadership was added to Strimzi: https://github.com/strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator/issues/7174
      2. Video of leadership in action: https://strimzi.io/blog/2022/09/13/leader-election/


      • Strimzi reconfigured to run with two replicas.
      • Verify that when we have two strimzi deployment both using leadership, the cohorts are indeed separate.
      •  Verify that when an upgrade occurs and we add a new version of the operator the old Lease is cleaned up (this should have been handled by MGDSTRM-10325)

            rh-ee-robeyoun Robert Young
            keithbwall Keith Wall
            Kafka Integrations
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