Resolution: Done
- JIRALERT{2054fa019ad34fa58b70d906860a6cee6059fe33ffa90fb5721b5b27dd8b25219c2297b997826b02ddb78e23e7c917de67499a25e62b2b0b08cbb6653ed93448}
- alertname="deployment_validation_operator_no_anti_affinity"
- app="rhose"
- cluster="app-sre-stage-01"
- job="deployment-validation-operator-metrics"
- service="deployment-validation-operator"
Alert: deployment_validation_operator_no_anti_affinity Validation error for rhose: Indicates when deployments with multiple replicas fail to specify inter-pod anti-affinity, to ensure that the orchestrator attempts to schedule replicas on different nodes.
- dashboard = https://grafana.app-sre.devshift.net/d/dashdotdb/dash-db?orgId=1&var-datasource=dashdotdb-rds&var-cluster=app-sre-stage-01&var-namespace=rhose-stage
- html_url = https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/service/app-interface/blob/master/resources/services/deployment-validation-operator/prometheusrules-no_anti_affinity.yaml.j2
- runbook = Specify anti-affinity in your pod specification to ensure that the orchestrator attempts to schedule replicas on different nodes. Using podAntiAffinity, specify a labelSelector that matches pods for the deployment, and set the topologyKey to kubernetes.io/hostname. Refer to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#inter-pod-affinity-and-anti-affinity for details.
- alertname = deployment_validation_operator_no_anti_affinity
- app = rhose
- check_description = Indicates when deployments with multiple replicas fail to specify inter-pod anti-affinity, to ensure that the orchestrator attempts to schedule replicas on different nodes.
- check_remediation = Specify anti-affinity in your pod specification to ensure that the orchestrator attempts to schedule replicas on different nodes. Using podAntiAffinity, specify a labelSelector that matches pods for the deployment, and set the topologyKey to kubernetes.io/hostname. Refer to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#inter-pod-affinity-and-anti-affinity for details.
- cluster = app-sre-stage-01
- endpoint = http-metrics
- environment = staging
- exported_namespace = rhose-stage
- instance =
- jiralert = MGDOBR
- job = deployment-validation-operator-metrics
- kind = Deployment
- name = rhose-fleet-manager
- namespace = deployment-validation-operator
- pod = deployment-validation-operator-6cbcbbbfd5-j6k2v
- prometheus = openshift-customer-monitoring/app-sre
- service = deployment-validation-operator
- severity = medium
Source: Prometheus
Note: This issue was generated automatically by the AppSRE team. Moving this issue to a different project will result in the ticket being recreated in the current project. If you believe that this issue was created in the incorrect project, please reach out to AppSRE.