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  1. Red Hat OpenBridge
  2. MGDOBR-687

Continuity - Business Plan/ Backup Policies/ Disaster Recovery


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • Limited Availability
    • 60 Days Milestone
    • None
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • MGDOBR - Sprint 218, MGDOBR - Sprint 219, MGDOBR - Sprint 220, MGDOBR - Sprint 221, MGDOBR - Sprint 222, MGDOBR - Sprint 223, MGDOBR - Sprint 224, MGDOBR - Sprint 225

      Issue Description:

      For the ** acceptance criteria document, we need a continuity plan document with the following information for reference here is the acceptance criteria document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KZ04i8Sr7DLtmBouh2V67YwdVXH0SJvJ7pqFvlEf8nw/edit#

      Business Plan: Identify where service data resides. Document the impact of losing said data in the architecture document.

      Backup Policies: All data stores required as part of the service continuity, must have an associated backup policy link on how to backups for various types of datastores: pvs, rds, etc.

      Disaster Recovery: Any ad-hoc steps required to recover the service upon a disaster event have been documented in an SOP.

      Acceptance Criteria: 

      • A document is produced that covers these aspects and is added to the acceptance criteria document.

      Out of Scope: 

      • Anything additional to these three points above

      Additional Information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KZ04i8Sr7DLtmBouh2V67YwdVXH0SJvJ7pqFvlEf8nw/edit#

            dzonca@redhat.com Daniele Zonca
            rsimmond Rebecca Whitworth
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
