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  1. Red Hat OpenBridge
  2. MGDOBR-1397

Expose user endpoint to patch a specific SourceConnector


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • MGDOBR - Sprint 231

      Issue Description: The user should be able to PATCH a source connector of a Bridge from the RHOSE api

      Acceptance Criteria: The endpoint PUT /api/smartevents_mgmt/v2/bridges/{bridgeId}/sources/{sourceId} is exposed from the control plane and it should accept the update of a source connector. The user should be able to modify only the `connectors` object in the request - meaning the configuration of the connector (the user can't modify the type of the connector, for example). If the request is valid, the control plane should update the data in the database and schedule the worker to update the connector, then it should return 202 in case everything went fine.

      Out of Scope: <Here you need to fill in what is out of scope for this issue and then create new issues if necessary in the backlog for the work>

      Additional Information: <Add any additional information here that may be helpful to people reading the ticket>

            jrota@redhat.com Jacopo Rota (Inactive)
            jrota@redhat.com Jacopo Rota (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
