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  1. Red Hat OpenBridge
  2. MGDOBR-1383

Provision a KafkaSource in the reconcile loop of the ManagedBridge


    • False
    • None
    • False

      Issue Description: According to the schema https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tgyyq9oVM65oIUUoXls_FmTg2quxstCLiYUlBlWHfzc/edit#slide=id.g1c968c32712_0_1464 , we are going to provision a KafkaSource using a dedicated kafka topic given in the DTO for every ManagedBridge. All the SourceConnectors created by the users for a specific bridge are going to use that specific kafka topic to send events to the ManagedBridge

      Acceptance Criteria: In the reconcile loop of the ManagedBridge, we have to deploy a knative KafkaSource that uses a dedicated kafka topic specified in the DTO and the KafkaSource should reference the knative broker of the ManagedBridge. 

      Out of Scope: <Here you need to fill in what is out of scope for this issue and then create new issues if necessary in the backlog for the work>

      Additional Information: <Add any additional information here that may be helpful to people reading the ticket>

            vajain Vaibhav Jain
            jrota@redhat.com Jacopo Rota (Inactive)
            Jiri Petrlik Jiri Petrlik
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
