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  1. Red Hat OpenBridge
  2. MGDOBR-1322

Verify new PUT annotations changes in RHOC


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • MGDOBR - Sprint 229

      Issue Description: See email: Upcoming API change in RHOC

      RHOC control plane API is going to be updated to add annotations for all connectors related resources. This is a new feature being added to add pricing tier metadata to types and connectors as annotations.

      The PR under review for this update is at [1]. We hope to get this into the stage environment as soon as next week.

      If you or your team happens to use the RHOC public API in openapi/connector_mgmt.yaml, please take a look at the changes. If your client code/library ignores new REST fields without errors, it may not need to be updated immediately. But, connector cluster metadata update (e.g. to rename a cluster) using PUT calls MUST include annotations.

      [1] https://github.com/bf2fc6cc711aee1a0c2a/kas-fleet-manager/pull/1422

      Acceptance Criteria:

      Verify if RHOSE is affected by this update

      Out of Scope: <Here you need to fill in what is out of scope for this issue and then create new issues if necessary in the backlog for the work>

      Additional Information: <Add any additional information here that may be helpful to people reading the ticket>

            rblake@redhat.com Rob Blake
            lmolteni@redhat.com Luca Molteni
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
