• False
    • None
    • False
    • OpenBridge Sprint 216, MAS CCS - Sprint 217, MGDOBR - Sprint 218, MGDOBR - Sprint 219, MGDOBR - Sprint 220, MGDOBR - Sprint 221, MGDOBR - Sprint 222, MGDOBR - Sprint 223, MGDOBR - Sprint 224, MGDOBR - Sprint 225, MGDOBR - Sprint 227, MGDOBR - Sprint 228, MGDOBR - Sprint 229, MGDOBR - Sprint 230

      Issue Description: 
      Currently we are using kustomize script to create knative-eventing namespace, KnativeEventing CR, NetworkPolicy before starting shard-operator. But running such script in managed-tenant enviromnent is not recommended because it would cause manual intervention in the cluster and will not be maintainable.

      slack thread link : https://coreos.slack.com/archives/C01L46M0FQC/p1660991190907609?thread_ts=1660840588.504559&cid=C01L46M0FQC

      Acceptance Criteria:

      • shard-operator should configure knative on startup.
      • Resources created by the Operator are removed from our kustomize overlays

              vajain Vaibhav Jain
              vajain Vaibhav Jain
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              2 Start watching this issue
