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  1. Red Hat OpenBridge
  2. MGDOBR-1064

[FIRING:1] deployment_validation_operator_no_anti_affinity rhose app-sre-stage-01 deployment-validation-operator-metrics deployment-validation-operator


    • False
    • None
    • False

      Alert: deployment_validation_operator_no_anti_affinity Validation error for rhose: Indicates when deployments with multiple replicas fail to specify inter-pod anti-affinity, to ensure that the orchestrator attempts to schedule replicas on different nodes.



      • alertname = deployment_validation_operator_no_anti_affinity
      • app = rhose
      • check_description = Indicates when deployments with multiple replicas fail to specify inter-pod anti-affinity, to ensure that the orchestrator attempts to schedule replicas on different nodes.
      • check_remediation = Specify anti-affinity in your pod specification to ensure that the orchestrator attempts to schedule replicas on different nodes. Using podAntiAffinity, specify a labelSelector that matches pods for the deployment, and set the topologyKey to kubernetes.io/hostname. Refer to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#inter-pod-affinity-and-anti-affinity for details.
      • cluster = app-sre-stage-01
      • endpoint = http-metrics
      • environment = staging
      • exported_namespace = rhose-stage
      • instance =
      • jiralert = MGDOBR
      • job = deployment-validation-operator-metrics
      • kind = Deployment
      • name = rhose-fleet-manager
      • namespace = deployment-validation-operator
      • pod = deployment-validation-operator-646d8db489-qgnj8
      • prometheus = openshift-customer-monitoring/app-sre
      • service = deployment-validation-operator
      • severity = medium

      Source: Prometheus

      Note: This issue was generated automatically by the AppSRE team. Moving this issue to a different project will result in the ticket being recreated in the current project. If you believe that this issue was created in the incorrect project, please reach out to AppSRE.

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