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  1. Managed Service - API
  2. MGDAPI-5069

Write epic brief for status reporting through addon operator


    • Icon: Spike Spike
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • RHOAM Sprint 41, RHOAM Sprint 42, RHOAM Sprint 43


      Currently, status reporting of addon installation is tracked in rhmi/rhoam CR. This data has good detail for very specific troubleshooting; however, it is very specific to RHOAM. This also limits the ability to notify MT-CS-SRE team directly from the observability operator's alert manager. We have to rely on alerts added to the cluster level openshift-monitoring to detect failed/delayed installs/upgrades.

      By moving to status reporting via ADO (Addon Operator), higher level status of the install state can be reported via OCM. It will also lead to the ability to differentiate from addon installation state vs. general reconciliation issues such as user syncing. This will also offer future benefit for progressive rollout capability. This will also lead to the ability to have RHOAM install/upgrade delayed alerts being able to go directly to CS-SRE rather than relying on SREP alerts in cluster's openshift-monitoring.



      This Jira is about investigating the work and writing an epic brief to cover the how we'll move to addon instance status reporting.

      Investigate what is possible with the Addon operator today.

      1) Can we alert via the Addon operator direct to CS-SRE

      2) Can we report on RHOAM install state and be reflected in the ocm console. i.e. when rhmi cr is fully reconciled. 

      See docs: https://github.com/openshift/addon-operator

      <List of related tests>

      The output of this task should be an epic brief written and shared with stakeholders for approval.

            chfan@redhat.com Kevin Chi Keen Fan
            jsarnovs@redhat.com Jesse Sarnovsky
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