Resolution: Unresolved
So in https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-6267 Eran Cohen noted that the bootstrap process waits an extra minute waiting for the MCO manifests to show up.
The desire from Eran is that we reduce our "runlevel" prefix so that the CVO applies our manifests sooner.
This seems like it should be okay, but we need to try it and make sure nothing "weird" happens, as I don't know historically if we were at runlevel 80 for a reason or if we just defaulted there (e.g. is it possible we need something else to be there before we get there)
This should be as simple as changing the "0000_80" prefix on our install manifests to a lower number and then watching the bootstrap process to compare timings/the amount of time spent waiting for us.
Done when:
- We know if changing our runlevel fixes the 1 minute delay
- We know if changing our runlevel has any adverse side effects
- We've either changed our runlevel to speed up bootstrapping OR we have an explanation as to why we cannot do so (e.g. some negative externality we come across while attempting to change our runlevel)
- relates to
OCPBUGS-6267 bootkube spends ~1 minute waiting for machineconfiguration CRD to get created
- Closed