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  1. Maistra
  2. MAISTRA-606

No Telemetry from the Istio Proxy on Multi-tenant and CNI enabled


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • maistra-0.12.0
    • maistra-0.12.0
    • None
    • None
    • Maistra TP sprint 12

      Installed 2 multiple control planes with latest-qe images, cni enabled and installed 2 Maistra bookinfos ((https://github.com/Maistra/bookinfo) and added each one to respective smmr on AWS 4.1 cluster.

      We didn't get kiali-graph because there was no telemetry on Prometheus/kiali

      jmazzitelli mwringe luksa stated the issue on a bluejeans session with me and mmahoney@redhat.com.

      We disabled CNI on the second control plane and didn't get any success on getting telemetry on second Prometheus/kiali because the proxy on the second bookinfo was not able to talk to pilot correctly.

        1. control-plane1.png
          127 kB
          Guilherme Baufaker Rego
        2. control-plane2.png
          188 kB
          Guilherme Baufaker Rego
        3. cr-kiali-oauth-istio-system.yaml
          2 kB
          Matthew Mahoney
        4. deployment-details-v1.yaml
          2 kB
          Matthew Mahoney
        5. deployment-ratings-v1.yaml
          2 kB
          Matthew Mahoney
        6. deployment-reviews-v1.yaml
          2 kB
          Matthew Mahoney
        7. details-v1-996d6bb6-md6mm-details-container.log
          45 kB
          Matthew Mahoney
        8. jaeger-operator.yaml
          2 kB
          Matthew Mahoney
        9. kiali-operator.yaml
          6 kB
          Matthew Mahoney
        10. maistra-operator.yaml
          10 kB
          Matthew Mahoney
        11. member-role-istio-system.yaml
          0.1 kB
          Matthew Mahoney
        12. member-role-istio-system-with-bookinfo.yaml
          1 kB
          Matthew Mahoney
        13. ratings-v1-847996d4f8-hhhb4-ratings-container.log
          15 kB
          Matthew Mahoney
        14. reviews-v1-b674b485f-vzmxw-reviews-container.log
          1 kB
          Matthew Mahoney

            kconner@redhat.com Kevin Conner (Inactive)
            rh-ee-gbaufake Guilherme Baufaker Rego
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
