Resolution: Done
Sprint 10, Sprint 12, Sprint 13, Sprint 14
OSSM 2.1 Federation support different root certificates
Updated Description for doc:
OSSM 2.1 Federation egress gateway only sends the client certificate.
Because the federation ingress gateway only knows about the root certificate, it can not verify the client certificate without adding the ca certificate. The client egress gateway should send both the client certificate and ca certificate.
User need to provide both of the root certificate and ca certificates when setting federation import ConfigMap.
For example,
apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: mesh1-ca-root-cert namespace: mesh2-system data: root-cert.pem: |- {{MESH1_CERT}}
$ MESH1_CERT=$(cat cacerts/root-cert.pem cacerts/ca-cert.pem | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\\n /g') $ sed "s:{{MESH1_CERT}}:$MESH1_CERT:g" import/configmap.yaml | oc apply -f -
istiod error log
error federation watch failed: status code is not OK: 503 (503 Service Unavailable) component=federation-registry 2021-09-24T20:52:26.905022Z info federation starting watch component=federation-registry
mesh2-egress error log
[2021-09-24T20:51:44.869Z] "GET /v1/watch HTTP/1.1" 503 UF,URX upstream_reset_before_response_started{connection_failure} - "-" 0 91 38 - "" "Go-http-client/1.1" "ac136c09-4f30-9c82-adc4-430fdadb9b5d" "discovery.mesh1-system.svc.mesh2.local" "" outbound|8188|federation-discovery-mesh2-egress|discovery.mesh1-system.svc.mesh2.local - - federation-discovery-mesh2-egress
How to reproduce :
1. follow the federation example install.sh with the following modification
a. create a secret in mesh1-system
log "Configure mesh1 smcp for using different root cert" oc1 create -n mesh1-system secret generic cacerts \ --from-file=cacerts/ca-cert.pem \ --from-file=cacerts/ca-key.pem \ --from-file=cacerts/root-cert.pem \ --from-file=cacerts/cert-chain.pem
b. Apply an export smcp yaml with the root cert spec
apiVersion: maistra.io/v2 kind: ServiceMeshControlPlane metadata: name: fed-export namespace: mesh1-system spec: version: v2.1 runtime: defaults: container: # for testing, to ensure we're always using the latest dev image imagePullPolicy: Always addons: grafana: enabled: true kiali: enabled: true prometheus: enabled: true tracing: type: Jaeger sampling: 10000 proxy: accessLogging: file: name: /dev/stdout gateways: additionalEgress: # egress gateway definition for sending requests from mesh2 mesh2-egress: enabled: true requestedNetworkView: # we want to view services on mesh2's network - network-mesh2 routerMode: sni-dnat service: metadata: labels: # to prevent mesh2-egress's service from including default egress pods federation.maistra.io/egress-for: mesh2 ports: # required for sending service requests to mesh2 - port: 15443 name: tls # required for sending discovery requests to mesh2 - port: 8188 name: http-discovery runtime: deployment: autoScaling: enabled: false container: # constrain resources for use in smaller environments resources: requests: cpu: 10m memory: 128Mi limits: {} additionalIngress: # ingress gateway definition for handing requests from mesh2 mesh2-ingress: enabled: true routerMode: sni-dnat service: type: LoadBalancer metadata: labels: # to prevent mesh2-ingress's service from including default ingress pods federation.maistra.io/ingress-for: mesh2 annotations: # use the network load balancer on AWS service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-type: nlb ports: # required for handling service requests from mesh2 - port: 15443 name: tls # required for handing discovery requests from mesh2 - port: 8188 name: https-discovery runtime: deployment: autoScaling: enabled: false container: # constrain resources for use in smaller environments resources: requests: cpu: 10m memory: 128Mi limits: {} security: trust: # unique trust domain for this mesh, mesh1 domain: mesh1.local dataPlane: mtls: true certificateAuthority: type: Istiod istiod: type: PrivateKey privateKey: rootCADir: /etc/cacerts
- blocks
MAISTRA-2242 Support different root certificates
- Closed
- relates to
MAISTRA-2699 Collect list of known issues for 2.1.0 Release Notes
- Closed